
26/09/2011 09:37
  •  Comenius Programme, the European Union under the Socrates program of action in the field of general education, school education is a program that contains the activities carried out in the field.

    Comenius school education often encountered in the documents related to the statement, the first stages of education, ie pre-school, primary and secondary education is used to specify. However, the first phase of the Comenius activities for education and training, but also relevant to research in this field with other relevant organizations. In this context, universities, institutions of higher education for teacher training, especially in faculties of education, Comenius activities have an important function.

    Comenius Programme, in general, aims to strengthen the European dimension in school education and to increase quality, enhance cooperation between the countries, contributing to the professional development of staff working in the field of school education, encourage work, will encourage the spread of the teaching of European languages ​​and studies that support intercultural dialogue.




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































